Disciplinary Alternative Education Program Database
Created by Bill S. Britt
Bill Britt is the
designer of the database that this website describes. He has over 20 years
as a classroom teacher, team leader, and technology advisor. During the
last eight years he has worked at a disciplinary alternative education program
called Roosevelt Alternative School found in the community of Mission,
Texas. While working there he searched for a pre-designed database that
would fit the needs of a short-term placement alternative program. He was
unable to locate such a database so began designing a database that would fit
the needs of the alternative program.
After much reading, self-teaching, and trial and error he was able to design a database application that met the needs of the DAEP. Using Microsoft Access, (first Access 97 and later Access 2000) he designed a database that tracked the student(s) information in the following areas:
1) Reason for the student's placement at the DAEP.
2) Track his behavior while at the DAEP.
3) Track his pre-tests and post-tests in the curriculum at the DAEP
4) Track his attendance at the DAEP
5) Track the student's textbooks
6) Track the student's personal information.
7) Track teacher interaction with the student.
In 2002 Bill Britt presented his database at the Texas Association of Alternative Educators state conference and was swamped with requests for the database. At first he considered selling the database but decided to provide it free to anyone who wished to use it. Because of this he redesigned the database so that it can be easily modified for the needs of other DAEP's. He included a setup form where individual schools could include information specific to their needs.
In this website you will find the following downloads.
1) The actual database.
2) Instructions on how to use the database.
3) The orientation booklet of the DAEP program the database was based upon.
If you have any questions you can contact the designer at [email protected]