The DAEP database is a very powerful tool in the management
of information collected at a disciplinary alternative education program.
While the designer has attempted to make the database as easy to use as
possible with drop-down lists, input masks, and dialog boxes there are still
some things you need to be aware of.
When you first load the database onto your system, whether it be from the
Internet, a floppy disk, or a cd-rom you will need to go into the properties of
the database and remove the “read-only” check mark.
To do this make a right click on the database’s icon and choose
properties. When the properties
dialog box appears remove the check mark from the read only property.
If you do not do this you will not be able to input data into the
database or make any changes to it.
- The
forms and reports in this database are protected and unchangeable as well as
the tables and other database components. Therefore, it is recommended that you make a back-up
copy of the original database before you begin placing data into the
database. This is so that you
will have a fresh copy of the database in the event that you are going to
use if for more than one year.
- You
can delete unwanted data from the database by “un-hiding” the database
and going directly to the tables and delete the unwanted data from there.
You can also design your own queries.
It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you do not attempt to change
the queries included in the database since this will alter the reports
produced by the database. To
unhide the database components click on the Window in the menu-bar then
select un-hide and the database name. Once
you do this, the database components will then be visible.
- When
you first use the database begin with the set-up process:

Place your campus name, district name, address, logo, etc in the
appropriate fields. However, do
this only one time since these are used to form the headings on
reports. If you input more than one
campus name, etc then you will have a conflict when the database uses this
information to form the report headings.
On the day-in and day-out fields you need to place the dates students
attend school on your school calendar. You should be able to get this from your Central Office if
you do not already have it. This
information is used to determine the amount of days the student(s) have stayed
at the DAEP. While the Day-in and
Day-out fields will look exactly alike they are two different tables and used
for different computations.
In the Campus fields type in the Home Campuses from which you receive
students to your DAEP. These are
used in several reports and queries to sort data and determine individual
campuses’ placement rates and recidivism.
In the Staff fields include all staff members that work at your DAEP.
It is recommended that you include all staff members and not only
professional staff since this information is used when inputting referral and
social skill data.
In the subject fields type in the subjects being taught at your DAEP.
This is also used on various reports and queries.
Especially the Pre-test, Post-test reports.
You can change, include, and delete information from any of the above
fields however; it is again STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you have
only one campus with its information in the first section of this form since
this information is used to create report headings.
If you make an error while inputting this information you should
completely DELETE it and then retype the information.
Now you are ready to start inputting student data into the database.
You need to begin by including the student’s personal information.
Begin by clicking on the “Office” button. This will bring you to the forms where you input the
student Name, PEIMS no, etc. Also,
there is a sub-form where you will input the student’s entry date, exit
date, reason for placement, who made the recommendation for the placement
and so on. To include the
student’s photograph you need to right click the photo area and choose
“insert object” then follow the directions for inserting the student’s
photograph. (Note: you should
have the student’s photo stored in a separate file until ready to perform
this task.)
- It
is only in the “Office” forms that you can input, change, and delete the
student’s personal information. This
information is “locked” in the other forms and cannot be altered from
- It
is recommend that you protect your database with a password.
You can do this by choosing tools from the menu bar and selecting security,
then password. Don't forget the password or you will not be able
to open the database.
- This
database is based upon the program developed by Roosevelt Alternative School
in Mission Texas and therefore the designer is including the Orientation
Manual and Forms in a PDF file which can be downloaded from the website
along with the actual database.
- You
can download the database, instruction in pdf format and the orientation
booklet in pdf format by clicking on the buttons below.
- If
you have any questions, comments, or recommendations please contact the
designer at [email protected].
- You
can get additional information and/or downloads of this information from